
Alpaca Painting

alpaca painting tn 150

I have been commissioned to paint an alpaca. But not just ANY alpaca, this alpaca painting features “Amy the Alpaca “. This fun theme is being commissioned for a wine label.

Follow along in this post for updates and new images as I work on this piece. (edit: Complete August 8, 2018)

Also, if you enjoy ‘Alpaca Art’, you should check out my metal art alpaca! 😀

August 6, 2018: Latest progress photo – Complete!

Alpaca Painting Final by Cindy Chinn

Here is the original sketch that I’m working from. It’s just a little whimsical and fun, and I might tired of painting hair by the time I’m done. 

alpaca painting - sketch full

May 4, 2018: I’ve spent a couple of evenings and have the background mostly painted.  Still some work to do before I can start blocking in the foreground.

Alpaca painting background

July 12, 2018: I finally made some time get the brushes back out and have completed the background for now! 😀

Alpace Painting - 02

July 13, 2018: Another late night / early morning spent in the wonderfully air-conditioned painting studio! 😀 This alpaca painting is starting to come to life now!

Alpaca painting - progress 03

July 14, 2018: And another evening / morning dedicated to the painting – I want to get this finished soon, but now another project deadline is staring me in the face…

Alpaca painting progress -04

July 15, 2018: Light at the end of the tunnel – I amazed at how much HAIR these animals have! 😀

Alpaca Painting - in progress -05

July 20, 2018: Wow – nothing like a bad knee to keep me locked down in one place!  The good news is, I was able to keep working on the Alpaca painting! 😀

Alpaca painting 06

August 8, 2018: After a few more sessions and giving it the final ‘once over’ – I can call this painting DONE! 😀

Alpaca Painting Final by Cindy Chinn
Alpaca Painting by Cindy Chinn
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