
This post will show the progress of a second pew that I am carving.  It is for the mother of the client that commissioned the first 4′ church pew that I carved.  See this page to check out the first one.  I want them to match in style, so I consider them a pair.

Follow this page for in progress photos and updates “as they happen”.  Click here for more photos.

Most Recent Image: (3/29/15) – COMPLETE!  I have the pew all back together, wired and ready to go!  I’ll be showing them locally this week before delivering them to their new homes on Easter.

Consider a custom pew such as this as a gift to your church or as a way to honor a member through a memorial fund.

hand carved church pew feather end pieces

And the bench has scripture carved into it and is ready to go!

hand carved church pew seat

Here’s an overview of the back section – I still have a lot of work to do, and I’ll be adding a glass mosaic where the wood has been removed.

hand carved church pew 01 140121

And here’s a closer look at the angel on the right showing some detail – I think I need some smaller chisels!

hand carved aangel close up unfinished

Now the second angel is coming together.  I’ve ordered some smaller chisels, but they won’t get here soon enough!

hand carved angel close up unfinished

I’ve built up the area that will become the pillars on each side of the throne.  Here are some images showing the progress:

hand carved church pew 02 140127
hand carved throne of grace unfinished 01
hand carved angels close up unfinished 03

And now a staircase has been added.

hand carved angel close up with stairs

Columns are almost done – well the base and crowns are getting there.

hand carved ange church pew unfinished 05

I’ve added another layer of wood for the second staircase and have half of it carved.

hand carved throne of grace unfinished 02

And here’s a little closer view:

hand carved angel close up unfinished 06

The carving is almost complete!  Here’s an image mockup showing the the stone columns in place.

hand carved church pew 03 140205

Carving is done!  I’m ready to move on to finishing the stone columns, staining and the glass mosaic!

hand carved throne of grace unfinished 04

Here’s a view of the stairs and angels from a different angle.

hand carved angel close up at an angel 07
hand carved throne of grace unfinished 03

Stained and ready for clear coat – also one of the columns has been engraved.

Stained and one column is carved

I have all of the carving, staining and stone cutting done!  On to the mosaics!

hand carved church pew 07 150212
grace column angels stained 01

I have both pews in the workshop now.  I’m building the lightboxes for the back, making templates for the glass work, getting ready to cut plexiglass backs for the mosaics and then I can start the mosaics!!  😀

hand carved church pew assembled 01
hand carved church pew assembled 02
hand carved church pew assembled 03

And now the glass mosaic has begun!

throne glass 01

And a few more pieces get added…

throne glass 04

And it’s complete!  Ready for grout and then final assembly!  😀

Glass Mosaic for Church Pew
2nd 4′ Carved Church Pew
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